
Tucker's Processing takes great pride in producing and shipping the finest meats available. Because the products we ship are perishable, we are not able to accept returns.

Unlike items that have a longer shelf life, perishable items that leave our control cannot be restocked or resold. Please review your order and corresponding receipt carefully and if any changes need to be made, email immediately. Once an order processes for shipping, we are unable to alter the order.

Due to the perishable nature of our product, we cannot guarantee the condition of the delivery if the address is incorrectly entered, if a change of address isn't updated, if an address is altered while in transit, or if you are unable to retrieve the order on the guaranteed delivery date and did not notify us prior to the order being invoiced.

When placing your order, please enter your shipping address carefully to ensure accuracy and review for any errors. If you enter the shipping address incorrectly when the order is placed, please email immediately for correction.

If your order is returned to us because of incorrect address provided or refusal of delivery when shipped according to our terms and conditions, we must dispose of the contents and you will not be refunded.

We make every effort to ensure timely delivery of our quality products and thank you for doing business with us.